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致海外河大师生的一封信 A Letter to HENU Faculty and Students Overseas




作者:bat365中文官方网站 |


Dear HENU faculty and students overseas,


Human race is facing the darkest hour when the COVID-19 is raging around the world. Currently there are some 900 HENU faculty and students working and studying abroad. We want to let you know that your being healthy and safe is what concerns us the most. We believe that as long as we stand together, we will finally triumph over this pandemic.


While the situation is under control at home, the COVID-19 pandemic is now plaguing around the globe. Our university and all HENUers are there with you in this difficult time. Please take good care of yourselves, paying attention to the rapidly changing situation and taking necessary prevention. Do not panic and we will face the possible upcoming challenges together.


All HENU faculty and students overseas, you are not only our concerned, but also the hope and future to our university. There are certain things we want to say to you at this time.


First of all, please take scientific protection. A healthy body is always the foundation of a career. We hope that you can abide by laws and regulations of local government, obey relevant prevention and control protocols, and stay indoors as much as possible. Wearing facemask and keeping your hands cleaned if you must attend outdoor activities. A healthy schedule and an optimistic attitude are very helpful at this time. We strongly recommend that you follow the instructions of local government, school and institute, as well as Chinese embassy and consulate in your region to take protection.

 二是主动关注,保持联动。河大永远是你们的坚实后盾,希望你们务必保持和家人、学校的沟通联系。随时通过学校、教育部、所在国使领馆的官网或官微等渠道关注动态,并及时向学校报告个人健康、学习进展和工作安排等情况。如有任何困难,请及时告知,学校会竭尽所能为大家提供帮助。遇到紧急情况或特殊问题,要及时联系中国外交部全球领保与服务应急呼叫中心:+86(10) 12308。同时,学校建议下载“ 外交部12308”手机APP,随时关注中国驻外使领馆相关领事保护动态。

Secondly, please actively maintain communication with us. HENU is always ready to back you up whenever you reach out to us. Please maintain constant communication to your family and to our university for official updates of the situation and report to us about your health condition and work/study plans. In time of emergency, you can call the emergency number +861012308, consular protection and services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. At the same time, we suggest that you download the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12308" APP to keep track of the consular protection of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad.

Thirdly, please continue your work and study with composure. Science and technology are essential forces in the fight against the pandemic. We hope that you uphold the motto of our university, passing the spirit of perseverance and self-improvement to the world. We hope that you will make full use of all educational resources available to enrich your knowledge accumulation to make greater achievements.

Last but not least, we hope that you will take your responsibility with a firm belief in our culture and system that have proved once again the advantages we have in fighting against such pandemic. You represent not only HENU, but also our country wherever you go. We hope that you will tell a wonderful Chinese story by taking responsibilities like a HENUer would. Meanwhile, we hope that you can extract true information in a complex environment and win the war against the pandemic with wisdom and reason.


Our university sincerely wishes all of you a good health, a benefited study and a successful career.


The ancient capital city and the blossoming campus are looking forward to witnessing our reunion.


Yours sincerely,

卢克平                             宋纯鹏

Ke-Ping Lu                          Chun-Peng Song

党委书记                            校  长

Communist Party Secretary                President

卢克平                                  Ke-Ping Lu                                
Communist Party Secretary 宋纯鹏
Chun-Peng Song
校  长


Henan University


Mar. 23, 2020

